
Summer 2024 Ice Bits Newsletter Now Available

The Summer 2024 quarterly update of U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) activities is now available at:


  • IDP Supports a Busy Arctic Season
  • IDP Receives NSF Award to Continue Operations
  • Indigenous Climate Exchange - Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ICE TEK)
  • 2024-2034 Long Range Science and Long Range Drilling Technology Plans Updated
  • Portal to Ice Drilling Technology Documents
  • Acknowledgment of IDP in Publications
  • Stay Connected with IDP

To view the newsletter, please go to:

2024 Long Range Science Plan and Long Range Drilling Technology Plan Now Available

The purpose of the plans is to articulate goals and make recommendations for the direction for U.S. ice coring and drilling science, and for the development of drilling technology, infrastructure, and logistical support needed to enable the science.

Long Range Science Plan

Long Range Drilling Technology Plan

Spring 2024 Ice Bits Newsletter Now Available

The Spring 2024 quarterly update of U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) activities is now available at:


  • New 700 Drill System Ready for Action
  • IDP Education and Outreach Climate of HOPE Conference for Teachers
  • All Episodes Now Available - Sea Level Rise and Thwaites Glacier: Vital Signs of the Doomsday Glacier
  • 2024 Spring/Summer Fieldwork
  • Science Advisory Board 2024 Meeting
  • Ice Core Working Group 2024 Meeting
  • 2nd RAID Science Planning Workshop
  • Stay Connected with IDP
  • Ice Drilling Support for NSF Polar Proposals 

To view the newsletter, please go to:

Request for Community Input — DRAFT 2024 Long Range Science Plan

Each year in the spring, the Ice Drilling Program (IDP) works with its Science Advisory Board and the research community to update the Long Range Science Plan. This Plan identifies the science in the coming decade that will require the use of ice drilling technology and expertise for the community. This also drives the formation of other plans, for example, the Long Range Drilling Technology Plan. The plans provide the basis for multi‐annual planning for the actions and drill development projects of IDP and others, and the plans give the funding agencies advance notice of upcoming community science needs.

If you need an ice core or a hole drilled in a glacier or ice sheet in the coming decade or a rock core from under shallow glacial ice, please make sure that the high‐level articulation of your science is captured in the current draft update of the Long Range Science Plan!

Please read through the draft Long Range Science Plan and send corrections, updates, or additions to at your earliest convenience but not later than May 25, 2024. When sending corrections/updates, please also reference the appropriate line number in the draft Long Range Science Plan where the correction/update is needed.

Submission deadline: May 25, 2024

To download the working draft, visit:

Winter 2023-2024 Ice Bits Newsletter Now Available

The Winter 2023-2024 quarterly update of U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) activities is now available at:  


  • IDP Completes Support of 2023-2024 Antarctic Field Season
  • Drill Development and Maintenance/Upgrade News
    • 700 Drill
    • BASE (Basal Access and Subglacial Exploration) Drill
    • ASIG (Agile Sub-Ice Geological) Drill
    • Winkie Drill
    • Foro 400 Drill
  • IDP Education and Public Outreach Workshops Increase Impact
  • New Virtual Field Lab: Sea Level Rise and Thwaites Glacier: Vital Signs of the Doomsday Glacier
  • IDP Hosts Successful Town Hall at 2023 AGU Fall Meeting
  • Stay Connected with IDP
  • Ice Drilling Support for NSF Polar Proposals 

To view the newsletter, please go to: 

Fall 2023 Ice Bits Newsletter Now Available

The Fall 2023 quarterly update of U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) activities is now available at:


  • Field Support to Antarctic 2023-2024 Projects
  • Drill Development and Maintenance/Upgrade News
  • AGU Town Hall: Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions
  • Englacial and Subglacial Access Working Group (ESAWG)
  • IDP at the 2023 AGU Fall Meeting
  • New IDP Virtual Field Lab at AGU 2023 Fall Meeting
  • Registration Now Open for Climate of HOPE Conference
  • School of Ice Applications for COLDEX Workshop
  • Collaboration Between Women Helps Close the Gender Gap in Ice Core Science
  • Announcing 3rd US Ice Core Open Science Meeting
  • ICECReW 1.5-day workshop before US Ice Core Open Science Meeting
  • Stay Connected with IDP
  • Ice Drilling Support for NSF Polar Proposals

To view the newsletter, please go to:

IDP at the 2023 AGU Fall Meeting

The following 2023 AGU Fall Meeting presentations have IDP leadership, engineers, or drillers as authors or co-authors.

Poster C11D-1073 Unique IDP Sub-Ice Drilling Yields Success for Science in Greenland
Mary R Albert, Elliot Moravec, Tanner Kuhl, Richard V Erickson, Forest Harmon, Kristina Slawny, Jay Johnson, Joerg Schaefer, Jessica Ackerman, Allie Balter-Kennedy, Jason P Briner, Caleb Walcott and Nicolas E. Young
Monday, 11 December 2023, 08:30 - 12:50, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
Poster C11D-1072 Holocene ice-sheet history at the Prudhoe Dome margin, NW Greenland: Samples for exposure dating (CRN and OSL) beneath and beyond the ice margin
Jason P Briner, Caleb Walcott, Elliot Moravec, Alexandra Balter-Kennedy, Nathan Brown, Nicolas E. Young, Tanner Kuhl and Joerg Schaefer
Monday, 11 December 2023, 08:30 - 12:50, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
Talk PP13B-08 The basal zone beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet as new paleo-archive to constrain ice sheet vulnerability in space and time– early lessons from the GreenDrill project
Joerg M Schaefer, Jason P Briner, Allie Balter-Kennedy, Caleb Walcott, Nicolas E. Young, Benjamin Andrew Keisling, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Nathan Stevens, Tanner Kuhl, Elliot Moravec and Kristina Slawny
Monday, 11 December 2023, 15:22 - 15:32, 3024 - West (Level 3, West, MC)
Talk C14A-07 First Results from GreenDrill: Exposure dating in sub-ice material from Prudhoe Dome, northwestern Greenland
Allie Balter-Kennedy, Joerg M Schaefer, Jason P Briner, Nicolas E. Young, Caleb Walcott, Tanner Kuhl, Elliot Moravec, Benjamin Andrew Keisling, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Nathan Stevens and Nathan Brown
Monday, 11 December 2023, 17:00 - 17:10, 2005 - West (Level 2, West, MC)
Talk ED23A-07 Virtual Field Labs: Facilitated Investigations for Middle School to College Students Led by Climate Scientists
Marc Vankeuren, Louise T Huffman, Bill Grosser, Kristen E Rahilly, and Susan Rubert
Tuesday, 12 December 2023, 15:20 - 15:30, 203 - South (Level 2, South, MC)
Town Hall TH43E Town Hall - Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions
Mary R Albert, Tas D van Ommen, Jennifer Campos Ayala, Joerg Schaefer, Heidi A Roop, and John W Goodge
Thursday, 14 December 2023, 13:00 - 14:00, 2004 - West (Level 2, West, MC)
Poster ED53C-0571 Analysis of the 2023 COLDEX Research Experience for Undergraduates Applicant Pool
Melyssa Fenton, Kristen E Rahilly, Louise T Huffman, and Stephanie K Jarvis
Friday, 15 December 2023, 14:10 - 18:30, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)

New IDP Virtual Field Lab at AGU 2023 Fall Meeting

Two of IDP’s 2023 Train the Trainers workshop participants, Susan Rubert and Marc VanKeuren, are presenting IDP’s newest Virtual Field Lab featuring Drs. Karen and Richard Alley at the Fall 2023 AGU Meeting on Tuesday, 12 December 2023. Virtual Field Labs are unique interactive education and outreach products designed for students from late middle school to college. Virtual Field Labs are designed for students to watch with a teacher present (virtually or in-person) or independently on their own computers. Each Virtual Field Lab takes students along with a climate scientist as they collect and analyze data to answer a different climate question.

Title: ED23A-07. Virtual Field Labs: Facilitated Investigations for Middle School to College Students Led by Climate Scientists
Date: Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Time: 15:20 – 15:30 PST
Location: MC, 203 - South
AGU Link:

AGU Town Hall: Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions

The U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) will hold the AGU Town Hall on Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions on Thursday, 14 December 2023, from 13:00-14:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST) in room 2004 – West (Level 2, West, MC) of the Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA. We hope to see you there!

Abstract: Ice sheets, glaciers, and the underlying bedrock, sediment and permafrost hold crucial evidence of past climate, ice sheet dynamics, and cratonic geology. National and international collaboration for drilling in the remote Polar Regions requires strategic coordination between science, technology, and logistics. This meeting will provide the scientific research community with brief updates from IDP, Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS), International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS), GreenDrill, Hercules Dome, and Rapid Access Ice Drill (RAID). Opportunities for community involvement will be showcased, and input from the audience will be solicited.

Date: Thursday, 14 December 2023
Time: 13:00 - 14:00 PST
Location: 2004 - West (Level 2, West, MC), Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
Moderator: Mary R Albert, Dartmouth College
AGU meeting website:

AGU Town Hall: Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions

The U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) will hold the AGU Town Hall on Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions on Thursday, 14 December 2023, from 13:00-14:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST) in room 2004 – West (Level 2, West, MC) of the Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA. We hope to see you there!

Abstract: Ice sheets, glaciers, and the underlying bedrock, sediment and permafrost hold crucial evidence of past climate, ice sheet dynamics, and cratonic geology. National and international collaboration for drilling in the remote Polar Regions requires strategic coordination between science, technology, and logistics. This meeting will provide the scientific research community with brief updates from IDP, Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS), International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS), GreenDrill, Hercules Dome, and Rapid Access Ice Drill (RAID). Opportunities for community involvement will be showcased, and input from the audience will be solicited.

Date: Thursday, 14 December 2023
Time: 13:00 - 14:00 PST
Location: 2004 - West (Level 2, West, MC), Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
Moderator: Mary R Albert, Dartmouth College
AGU meeting website:

Call for Nominations: Science Advisory Board of the U.S. Ice Drilling Program

The Science Advisory Board (SAB) of the U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) invites nominations, including self-nominations, from the U.S. scientific community to fill one open position on the SAB. The SAB currently seeks to replace scientific expertise in ice core science. Nominees must be U.S.-based ice core scientists whose science relies on the analysis of ice or firn cores. The primary purpose of the SAB is to provide advice and input on scientific issues pertaining to the U.S. Ice Drilling Program, including annual updates of the IDP Long Range Science Plan. SAB members typically serve for five years; they must attend the annual SAB meeting (typically in person every other year), and collaborate remotely as needed.

Please send nominations with resumes and expressions of interest to by November 22, 2023. *

Call for Nominations: Ice Core Working Group of the U.S. Ice Drilling Program

The Ice Core Working Group (ICWG) of the U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) invites nominations, including self-nominations, from the U.S. scientific community to fill one open position on the ICWG. The ICWG aims to have representation from a range of scientific expertise and career stages. The ICWG currently seeks to replace expertise in microbiology in ice cores. Nominees must be U.S.-based scientists whose science relies on the analysis of ice or firn cores. The ICWG is one of three working groups of the IDP Science Advisory Board (SAB). The primary purpose of the ICWG is to provide advice and input on scientific issues pertaining to ice cores to the SAB and to the IDP. ICWG members typically serve for five years, attend the annual ICWG meeting (typically in person every other year), and collaborate remotely as needed.

** Please send nominations and expressions of interest to by November 10, 2023. **